Cloud-oriented the Time & Attendance system - WebVisitor
The Time & Attendance system includes calendar management, absence management,
employee scheduling, employee time clock (physical/virtual readers), overtime tracking, timesheets, vacation/leave tracking.
Optionally it records the number of hours spent at specific tasks or projects in order to cost jobs accurately.
WebVisitor exports employees´ time data to various payroll systems.
Mass review of employees´ attendance data
Employee monthly timesheet
Employee monthly timesheet - summary
Benefits - Employer:
- The new corporate culture
- Eliminate the risks of employee buddy punching or time fraud
- Reduce unauthorized absences
- Reduces administration time and costs
- Eliminate costs associated with paper timesheets
- Improve labor reporting
- Reduce payroll errors
- Reduce total payroll processing time
Benefits - Employee:
- Simple, quick, transparent and accurate time registration (Arrivals / Departures / Time Off)
Registration via:
- Dedicated biometric/RFID terminals
- End user terminals (PC/notebooks/Tablets/Smartphones)
- Current time balance to monthly time scheduling fund (example +7,24 hours or –11,23 hours)
- Current number of holiday days (example +21 days)
Calendar management:
- Auto-generate - Monthly calendar: working days, state holidays (regional setting), Saturday, Sunday
Employee scheduling:
- Individual planning of working shifts, such as copying to others, the system of days booked, related working balance: daily, monthly
- The option of automatically generating work schedules according to different patterns (based on the type of days, repeating the cycle, etc.)
- Ability to define individual working hours according attendance days and its reflection into work calendar
Absence Management:
- Planning time off (holidays, compensatory time off, business trips, sickness, etc.) on the readers, smartphones, notebooks or by work calendar
- Additional enter of the time off on the reader, when returning after a few days - enter the return of a particular time off
- the system automatically generates an time off
- Calendar - integrity controlling absences due to illness or injury with an emphasis on controlling unexplained, unscheduled or excessive absenteeism
Employee time clock:
Overtime tracking:
- Standard - overtime can be accumulated and transferred from month to month, draw as compensatory time off or reimbursed through wage
- Flexi regime/account - planning, tracking and evaluate employee attendance according current needs of workforce
Self-service portal:
- Current time balance to scheduling of work (on the screen of reader, example +7,24 hours or –11,23 hours)
- Current number of holiday days (example +21 days)
- Monthly employee timesheets (Clock In/Out, balance, take off types, notices, summaries)
- Modular solution
- Access rights definition
- Export of attendance data to many payroll systems
- Definition and planning various time off types
- Automatic generation of defined time off (lunch, break, etc.)
- High flexibility and system parametrization
- Tracking of overtimes, working-hours balance, holiday, night shifts etc.
- Definition from one to four-shift operations, various working periods (fix/flexible/12-hours etc.)
- Various types of printed reports
- Functions of fast searching, sorting, filtering
- Graphical user friendly interface
- Integration with Access Control system Patrol
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